- Immediately following your surgery, you will be brought to the PACU (Post Anesthesia Care Unit) or Post Recovery Area. A nurse will care for you here until the effects of anesthesia wear off.
- Your Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU)/Recovery Room Nurse and an Anesthesiologist will manage your discomfort after surgery.
- The amount of discomfort you have is related to the type of surgery you have had.
- In the PACU, you will be given pain medication as needed.
- It is normal to have some discomfort, but it should be tolerable.
In the PACU and Post Recovery, you will be asked to rate your pain:
- The scale used is 0 - 10; 0 is no pain and 10 is the worst possible pain.
- This scale will help us evaluate the discomfort you are experiencing.
Your recovery time will depend upon the procedure you are having done and the type of anesthesia you receive. Since every individual responds differently to the surgical experience, it is difficult to tell you exactly when you will be ready to go home.
You must meet certain criteria before you are discharged to home:
- You must be reasonably comfortable.
- Your blood pressure and pulse must be stable.
- You must be able to walk without dizziness.
- You must be able to drink fluids.
- In some cases, you must be able to urinate.
- Filling your prescription for pain medication is important because although you may be comfortable at the time of your discharge, you will need your pain medication during your recovery. We suggest you fill your prescription as soon as possible so that you have it when needed. Calloway Creek Surgery Center cannot dispense medicines for home use. Many surgeons will use local anesthesia at the wound site. This numbing medicine may not wear off until later when you are at home.
Tips for Safe, Effective Pain Control:
- It is easier to keep your pain under control rather than play catch-up. It will take more medication and will take longer to get you comfortable.
- We recommend that you fill your prescription as soon as possible.
- Take pain relief drugs when pain first begins.
- As long as you are taking narcotic type medication, you should not drive, drink alcohol, or do anything that requires coordination or judgment activity.
- If the pain medication prescribed for you is not effective in managing the discomfort, contact your surgeon.
Going Home
On the day of your surgery, a nurse will review discharge instructions with you and your caregiver. A written copy will be provided to you which will include a follow-up visit with your surgeon and important phone numbers.
- Always feel free to call your surgeon or the facility if you have any questions.
- We recommend that you have a responsible adult with you for the first 24 hours after your surgery.
- You must have a driver available to take you home.
- It is normal for you to feel drowsy and tired after your surgery.
- Eat light after surgery and gradually increase your diet as tolerated and directed by your physician.
- Pain medicine should be taken with food.
- No alcohol should be consumed for 24 hours after anesthesia or while taking pain medication.
Notify your surgeon if you experience:
- A temperature of 101 degrees or above.
- Difficulty or inability to urinate.
- Nausea or vomiting that lasts longer than 24 hours.
- Pain not controlled with medication.
- Increased swelling around the incision.
- Redness or foul smelling drainage from incision.
- Bleeding that you are concerned that is too much.
Your surgeon or someone covering for him or her is available to you anytime if needed. The Nursing Staff at Calloway Creek Surgery Center will call you within two business days following your surgery and may assist you with any questions or problems.
If you are unable to contact your surgeon and need medical attention, go to Medical City North Hills or the nearest Emergency Room or call 911.